How does this get better?
There are a number of ideas on how to end Institutional Child Abuse, ranging from legal reform to total abolishment of the “Troubled Teen” Industry. And there are several efforts currently taking place to execute these ideas.
Want to help #endTTI? Share information, or support those listed below!
The mission of Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint is “to educate the public and connect people who are dedicated to changing minds, laws, policies, and practices so that restraint and seclusion are reduced and eliminated from schools across the nation (and beyond).”
With such heavy abuse and dangerous use of seclusion and restraint in the TTI, AASR is an important ally to the cause of ending institutional child abuse.
Think of Us is “a research and design lab for the social sector, working to transform child welfare. Led and guided by people who have been directly impacted by this system, we are a trusted partner across the national child welfare field. We work with government agencies, lawmakers, providers, advocates, and foundations to drive novel, scalable solutions at the federal, state, and local levels”.
We Warned Them is a “national coalition that consists of survivors of the TTI, activists, advocates, like-minded organizations and allies.” Their goal is spur legislative change and “to hold elected officials accountable for the continued civil rights violations, exploitation and abuse that at-risk youth are forced to endure in under-regulated residential programs.” Their campaign is also about amplifying minority voices of BIPOC, LGBTQ+, those who are neurodivergent, disabled, or differently-abled.
The purpose of Justice for Our Angels is “to get Justice for our loved ones who lost their lives at the hands UHS-Universal Health Services Behavioral Health Hospitals and prevent further abuse, neglect & death in the future at UHS and other For-Profit mental health organization.”
SIA (Survivors of Institutional Abuse) - “SIA Organization advocacy efforts include legislation, education and raising awareness. We have been advocating for survivors and the protection of children against institutional child abuse for over 10 years, in that time we have seen powerful change. We have been recognized nationally for our efforts, including proclamations from Long Beach, Hollywood, and the state of New York.”
NYRA is “dedicated to defending the freedom, equality, and rights of all young people by challenging age discrimination and prejudice.” They have given significant focus to fighting to end human rights abuses in the TTI.
The mission of End the TTI is “to help end the programs that for years have taken advantage of desperate families and desperate youth that are struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues along with supporting survivors of these programs in healing from damage caused by these programs.”
International Coalition Against Restraint and Seclusion
ICARS “champions the human rights of all children, globally. Every child deserves to feel safe in every environment. School is where they spend much of their time. Educational staff and faculty ought to provide them with opportunities to learn and grow without fear and without harm. The use of restraint and seclusion in schools, worldwide, is a danger and threat to all of our children. The parent, survivor and neurodivergent led, volunteer advocates of ICARS are focused upon securing and protecting the fundamental human rights of our youth, everywhere.”